Assembly Bill 348/Senate Bill 425
I. Assembly Bill 348
Although Assembly Bill 348 deals primarily with regulations to pave the way for so-called “small cell technology” (also known as 5G technology) and sets forth a regulatory framework for the installation of wireless equipment and facilities for the state and all political subdivisions (cities, towns, etc.), the essential component for residents immediately concerned about towers in neighborhoods is the provision to enable communities to require a setback equal to the height of a tower in residential R1 neighborhoods. The links below provide access to the full text of the bill, the history of its development, and a Wisconsin Eye video of the Assembly hearing on AB 348. The bill with or without slight variations must be passed in the senate to be put into law by the governor’s signature. The sooner this is accomplished, the safer R1 residents will be from the threat of a cell tower installation in a neighborhood.
The link to the full text of AB348 is:
The link to the bill history for AB 348 is:
The hearing on AB348 starts at the 34-minute mark of this three-hour Wisconsin Eye video and continues through the end, a total of 2.5 hours of discussion and debate on AB348.
The link is:
The link to the full text of AB348 is:
The link to the bill history for AB 348 is:
The hearing on AB348 starts at the 34-minute mark of this three-hour Wisconsin Eye video and continues through the end, a total of 2.5 hours of discussion and debate on AB348.
The link is:
II. Senate Bill 425
The companion bill to AB348 is SB425 was introduced on October 4, 2017 by Senator LeMahieu and cosponsored by Representative Kuglitsch.
The link to the full text of SB 425 is:
The link to the bill history for SB425 is:
III. Our Tasks
We must work to press our legislators to truly represent our interests by passing this law with variations that favor us, the residents and taxpayers and voters of Wisconsin. In particular, they must be urged to make the law all-inclusive for residents of the state, not just for single-family properties - residents of properties zoned for multi-family, apartments and condominiums, among others, must be protected. If possible, legislators can also be requested to improve the language of the bill to better serve us by making the setback requirement retroactive to any existing proposals for tower construction in residential areas once the bill is passed. We must join with other communities to lobby legislators for rapid consideration and passage of this bill. New legislation to trim the power of SS66.0404 must also be drafted as soon as possible to allow communities to regulate tower construction according to local zoning laws and building codes. It is time to make the health and safety of Wisconsinites a priority and protect the investments of Wisconsin property owners.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
----- Margaret Mead, anthropologist
----- Margaret Mead, anthropologist